Granville Public School Vision Statement
The library will provide a supportive learning environment where the whole school community can access quality resources and technology. Library users will participate in quality learning experiences & collaborative activities which lay foundations for the development of life-long learning skills.
NSW Premiers Reading Challenge
The above link will take you directly to the NSW Premiers Reading Challenge Home page. On this page you can find all of the information you will need for your child to participate in the challenge.
Cyber Safety
Here is the link to a Cyber Safety website that will give you information for you to read and discuss with your children about being safe on line.
Book Club
Book Club brochures are sent home approximately 5 times a year. There are many great value products that can be purchased for your child or to keep as gifts for others. Books start from $2 and there is a lot of variety to chose from.
Payment for all Book Club orders are only accepted online using a credit card. An online account for your child can be set up using this link.
Granville Public School Library
Each class has an opportunity to visit our school library. There, they can borrow or read fiction and non fiction books. Students can also learn about features of the library and develop research skills.